21 July 2011

Fine Details

During my week in Highlands, NC I read through Hebrews. Taking two chapters at a time, it actually worked out perfectly, so that my last morning I finished the book. Each morning after eating breakfast I would take my cup of coffee and Bible outside to the front porch and sit on the rocking chair looking to the lake and read.

A reminder I need is that all we need is God for our lives. He is the provider of all things good and has always been exactly the same. We change, but God does not. On my last morning in Highlands I read:

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Do not be led away by diverse and strange teachings, for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods, which have not benefited those devoted to them. -Hebrews 13.8

Sometimes I think I forget, or rather, neglect to recollect, that no matter what happens or where I am, God will provide all I need. I shouldn't worry about my life, family, job, home or my next meal. Do the birds worry about their next meal? (See Matthew 6.25-27)

I have no idea what is in store next, but I have confidence in the God who is in control of every matter, even those little things I may pray about (Lord please help me get through this day at work). If God didn't care about every exiguous detail of life, why would He create such unique and complex organisms? It seems to me that God likes those fine details. He's the master of them.

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