I think C.S. Lewis has the answer:
Cares of the world distract me.It's the practical and prudential cares of this world and even the smallest and most prosaic of those cares, that are the great distraction. The gnat-like cloud of petty anxieties and decisions about the conduct of the next hour have interfered with my prayers more often than any passion or appetite whatever. (The Four Loves)
I am in the shower thinking about how I need to pay that bill, need to make a grocery list, need to remember to volunteer tomorrow, and to make myself some lunch to take to work. All matters that are so tiny.....clogging up my thoughts.
So I forgot to rinse my hair.
And the same thing happens when I pray. Does that happen to you? I don't silence the idle chatter in my head, so my prayers get sidetracked. I suppose if I were smart I would pray about my distractions. Pray that God help remove them so I can focus on what's important.
As an opposite, I welcome the inspiring thoughts that suddenly awaken my mind, like this morning when I woke up. I had words and sentences practically pouring out of my ears, so I grabbed my journal and stood at my bathroom counter writing instead of getting ready for work. Words can't stay cooped up in my head for long. They need to get out onto paper. Then, hopefully those words end up here.
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