29 April 2013


I was watching an Andy Stanley message the other morning about following. (Note: If you haven't listened to Andy's messages I highly recommend them) The one I watched was here.

He was asking the simple question. Am I following?
Or am I worrying about the rules and how I should change or do this or that?

Andy said this, below, and I just had to write it down because it was the most profound piece which summed it all up perfectly:

The Pharisees say - Change, and then you can join us
Jesus says - Join us and it will change you

When we contemplate our own lives and think about being a better Christian we probably think about how we need to change, or how we need to stop doing something and then we will be a better Christian. It's back to that mis-conception of following the rules only. That common mis-conception is what so many non-Christians think. They think we live by rules and cannot have any fun. The rules do not change your heart. Those things are good, but should not be the starting point.

We don't have to change first, and then follow. No. We are able to follow right now. Wherever we are. By following right away, the change happens gradually and will emerge without you even thinking about it. We allow God to work on our hearts, and the changes come as a result. It will not be easy, no promise was ever made that it would be. And yet a joy will fill our hearts. But the choosing comes first.
The change comes next.

A lot of times I think we get stuck in the earthly way of thought. That we have to prove ourselves worthy. That's always going to be a problem because we are truly never going to be worthy. But we aren't talking earthly love here. It's heavenly. It's eternal. It is God's love that seeks us, and we don't have to do anything except get up and follow.

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