18 May 2020

Morning, Noon, and Evening

Mornings have always been my favourite time of day. Sometimes I simply wish to sit and enjoy the splendors of the morning, before all the problems wake up. When given the time and space, we all find ways to grumble, yet, in the morning, the air is fresh and the feeling is lighter. A new day is dawning. The light is softer, and it brushes our cheek as we open a curtain. 

Often, the sense of thankfulness rises that we even woke up to experience another day. Sleep cuts us off from all awareness of things, except our subconscious. We are vulnerable and not conscious or aware. The sun could fizzle out and we would not know, if we were sleeping.

(Don't worry, the sun will not fizzle out for at least another several billion years or more. And at that point, it will grow into a red giant, expanding and reaching outward with its energy.)

I like the simple things - the leaves rustling and awakening the branches outside my windows. The owl hooting in a morning call but hidden somewhere in the trees. The bird's cheerful chirp - I wish I knew the name of that bird. 

Thank you sun for rising (or for the earth turning to be more exact). For keeping the steady flow of burning hydrogen into helium, which in turn allows our planet to be habitable. It is a wonder that never ceases to amaze me. The star that moves our planet and the other spheres.

The air is warm and clear - no other place we know of has the air we breathe. How astonishing it is that we have the elements we need here on this planet. We abuse this lovely place we have been given. So often, I just want to sit and enjoy it. Or walk some paths amidst its beauty. Or watch it be dramatic from a distance. It should be protected to be enjoyed. Our stance should be strong against destroying it. Our skewed concept of ownership is that we can abuse that which we choose.

I would rather protect and preserve, and spend time appreciating that gift we have been given. Best enjoyed morning, noon, and evening. Take your pick as to your favourite.

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