11 March 2016

Looking Upward

I avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward.
 - Charlotte Brontë

It is so windy today. It comes in sudden gusts when all seems quiet. The gust says - hello, pay attention to me. Unless you are one who doesn't notice your surroundings, you notice when the wind rustles your hair and swishes underneath your collar.

You stand there a moment and let the invisible air swirl around and blow toward some unknown destination. As something you can feel but not see, you can only see the presence of it by the things it moves. You know its presence is there - it is brushing by your skin, but you cannot put your finger on it.

It is so thin it glides right through your fingers, and you cannot grasp it, but you are left with belief without the evidence. You know something to be true. 

If someone said "golly it is so windy out there" but you did not feel the same gusty presence of the air whipping around your hair, you would likely think that person was a bit loony. But if you had to hold onto your hat when he said that, you would heartily agree, even though neither of you could see the wind. You each believed it was there by the effects it created, and by feeling the presence of it, you knew it to be true.

It makes me think of C.S. Lewis when he wrote - "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun as risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else."

Our thoughts and musings should lead our thoughts upward. As Charlotte Brontë stated, our days are better spent not looking too intently at the past or the future, but on our Creator Himself.

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