15 March 2019

Onward - To Travel!

In The Great Divorce, by C.S. Lewis, he introduces a character, the artist, who enters the realm of heaven seeking to enter into the gorgeous deep heaven before him. He stands there talking with the spirit who came to meet him, and learns that in heaven, there are no famous people/artists. The artist is disturbed that he will no longer be famous or well-known. He then talks about the scenery and wants to go in to paint it, just for the sake of painting. But not for the love of the light or the beauty of it. He had lost his sense of wonder and appreciation of the beauty, and he only loved the paints themselves, and needed to paint it. He had come only to paint it. He didn't want to enter heaven, but go back to hell where he felt he was famous, well-known, and could paint just to paint. The paints were the end of his joy.  

When I travel, I seek to go with eyes full of wonder and appreciation. I don't go to just see the sights and depart. I like to stay, linger, and learn the story. G.K. Chesterton wrote that the tourist sees what he came to see, and that's it (the end), but the traveler sees what he sees. Meaning, if we travel to experience the beauty of the place, the people, the culture with open eyes and wonder, we will see much more than we ever plan. If we go because we love what we can learn about a place and ourselves, we will be open to all the wonderful things that await us.

I know this isn't quite the norm of traveling these days. Attractions seek to lure us to see the sights, and then herds of people (all tourists) pass from one thing to another, clicking cameras, arguing about the rest of the day, and halfway paying attention to what they waited in a long queue to see. This is what I try to stay away from. Give me a map and let me find the neighborhoods with charming bookshops, coffee shops, and history to learn about. Let me stroll the streets and take photos of things I admire and study as I walk. Let me sit in a coffee shop and hear the locals chatter about daily life. Let me blend in, as if I were living there, and feel the culture as it truly is (not the way it is full of tourists). I'll surely hit a few of the sights that draw tourists, but in my mind, there is much to learn about such a place, and that is what I focus on. A history that spans centuries and has meaning on where the world is today. Let's learn something from it.

12 March 2019

Selador - An Imaginative Story, Ch 8

I have been working on a story, writing it out by hand in this little rough-edged journal, and when I have a little time I add to it. I am continuing to share some more chapters, as some have encouraged me to continue sharing. Please feel free to let me know your thoughts as you do deeper into the story.

Read the Prelude HERE.

Read Chapter I HERE.
Read Chapter 2 HERE.
Read Chapter 3 HERE.
Read Chapter 4 HERE.
Read Chapter 5 HERE.
Read Chapter 6 HERE.

Read Chapter 7 HERE.

Chapter VIII

Nella began to document all the passages that reflected the negative and words that could be used for ill, recording them in another book. Over the course of the next few weeks she filled a book of these terms. When read together, there was a clear, sinister nature. The ill had been done in tiny bits and pieces spread across time and pages. It was written. She had her proof. While that could not be undone completely, it could be countered with good.

She brought these discoveries to Master Nolan, who was so impressed by her findings, he set an immediate meeting of the Writer's Guild. Nella was again at the large round table with the leaders, and she was asked to explain her findings.

The night before she had been up late at the library, reading through entries again, seeking to discover the mysteries of many waters. Her theory had to have proof, and she combed entries by candlelight, recording each set of suspect phrases. As she reviewed them, she pieced together the crack in Tive's so-called corrective drainage. 

She was correct, that the drainage actually restored the water to the place from which it came - a grand lake several miles away that had a dam. When it reached a certain level, the dam would open, releasing the flood. If drainage had been led elsewhere, the floods would rarely be released, as it only opened when the water reached a certain height, but because it all returns to the lake, the flood comes daily. The residents cannot fix what they do not understand. 

Tive wrote this into the descriptions of more than 65 entries, but it was cleverly done. One could easily overlook it, since one of two passages would not raise alarm. Her theory was that if Tive had not written in his "corrections", the landscape would likely only flood once per season, and not in the dramatic sweeping sea that came everyday with dangerous waves. Instead, he guaranteed it would occur everyday, almost as if he was trying to keep them all captive and secluded in the treetops, tormented by the mysteries of the flood they could not understand. Even if the residents had no desire to leave, his ill will prevented them from exploring and learning more about the realm. If they could not accept his ideas of moving forward, they wouldn't be allowed to move forward at all when he left. He saw to that.

Nella explained all of this to the Guild. As she was talking she suddenly realized the heaviness of the task - to help this realm escape the powers of a bitter man who wanted to keep them secluded from everything, continuing the work of ill intent. If they wanted to leave or explore, they couldn't. They weren't free, but captive here. It is a beautiful place, but that doesn't mean every single person wants to stay.

The faces on each of the members of the Guild looked grave. They had not suspected such scattered entries doing the harm, but she also sensed some hesitation. They were concerned about any further attempts to correct. The fear of alteration was heavy. Nothing was to be done without further research.

Master Nolan and Lady Cora were to work with her more closely. Lady Kira would be available as well. Now, Nella had company at the library each day, with Master Louver checking in frequently for updates. Nella had awakened a fear in them. She spent her days searching for phrases, while the rest of them discussed in late night meetings what best course of action was to be taken.

She heard rumors of arguments amongst them. Some thought everything should be left as is. Others thought changes needed to be written. Nella was caught in the middle, for many believed she had been brought there for a purpose. She knew she would have to step in at the right moments to clear disputes, and she did. Her neutrality became the driving force that kept the conversations moving forward, rather than hitting a stalemate. 

One thing she noticed was how they all respected each other deeply, and let one another speak. In a graceful manner, they each gave one another a turn. However, when one had the floor to speak, their voice was full of strong reasons why they thought their way was the best for the realm.

If she had been brought here for a purpose, it was to help them acquire freedom, at least to have the option to come and go. And she knew she would help with every ounce of attention she had.

07 March 2019

Hints of Time Beyond Time

...for instantly at the end of this sentence, by a light as it were of serenity infused into my heart, all the darkness of doubt vanished away.
- St. Augustine

Out my window from my spot on the sofa, I see the orchid tree blooms of purple. They have exploded on the tree, every limb is aflame with flowers, as happy as can be, dancing in the breezes. It is truly spring as the trees are all bursting. The birds chirp cheerfully. I take it all in, with a sense of wonder and appreciation. The beauty of nature is a fleeting thing. It fades with the seasons, but returns later, but it is never quite the same. It shifts and changes with the seasons.

We, similarly, shift and change with time. Yet we are spiritual and bodied creatures with souls and a place beyond this fleeting moment. I thank the Lord for that, as the glories of this life are all but a tiny glimpse of the glory God has in store for us in the time beyond. The time beyond time requires much of our imaginations to even ponder. Eternity is written on the pages of our hearts.

When the time comes in our own sense of time, when the shores of the New Creation come, we will know that the great joke is that we were wrong about so many things, and it doesn't matter! What is in store is even better than what we were wrong about! He is coming, coming. The echo is there all the days we know. We are in the in-between now, waiting for the sun to rise.

George MacDonald echoes this beautifully in his books, Phantastes and Lilith, and I borrow from his language often. For my own imagination, these books are solid favourites that I return to again and again. These kinds of stories help me use my imagination to see into the beyond from our current state of guessing. The imaginative realm sets my soul aflame with deep thoughts and musing that leaves me with a newly awakened trusting in God and all the plans He has for those who love Him. As we begin Lent, I pray we may all be more attentive to that which God would like us to focus on, rather than what the world tries to convince us to focus on. 

04 March 2019

Silence is a Healing Balm


Christ, as a light
illumine and guide me.
Christ, as a shield
overshadow me.
Christ under me;
Christ over me;
Christ beside me
on my left and my right.
This day be within and without me,
lowly and meek, yet all-powerful.
Be in the heart of each to whom I speak;
in the mouth of each who speaks unto me.
This day be within and without me,
lowly and meek, yet all-powerful.
Christ as a light;
Christ as a shield;
Christ beside me
on my left and my right.

Celtic prayers speak to me so deeply. With a beauty of words, image, and sense of the presence of God, I find great comfort in them. I find that they surround me with love, calm, and peace. It invites me into the presence of contemplative silence.

It is a quiet morning. A bit overcast and very calm. I love it, and I let the silence sink into my being. The silence is a healing balm to our souls, for the most quiet we may experience all day could be at this very moment. Peace does not naturally surround us in our days. On the contrary, there is usually noise/chaos/crisis to deflect. I find that most people like the noise (whatever it may be - television, loud music, etc) all the time because it blocks out their own thinking, and yet all the while they are missing out on listening to their true heart, God, and wisdom in the silence. 

There is so much to learn in the silence.

Listening to ourselves. Letting God speak to us perhaps through prayer, meditation, musing, or focused breathing. Sometimes all it takes is a quiet few minutes of stillness for some wisdom to enter in as we take the focus off ourselves, and shift it to God.

I require so much quiet time I wonder sometimes if I am quite normal. No, I know I am not. Is there anyone out there like me? Of course, you are probably one, and I am thankful for you. It is in the quiet space that we explore deeper things. Introspecting to know ourselves better, but also allowing ourselves to open up to God. Quiet reflection is a river source of life to me.