16 January 2019

Selador - An Imaginative Story, Ch. 5

I have been working on a story, and when I have a little time I add to it. I think the world needs more light, truth, and beauty, and if I can produce even a tiny glimmer of that, then my imaginative effort is not in vain.
In the spirit of taking the risk of sharing snippets, and trusting that someone may read what I share and connect with it, or ponder the questions raised, I am continuing to share some more chapters.

Read the Prelude HERE.

Read Chapter I HERE.
Read Chapter 2 HERE.
Read Chapter 3 HERE.
Read Chapter 4 HERE.

Chapter V

The room was flooded with soft, natural light. It felt like a tree house since the walls and floor were all wooden, but it was a sophisticated space. A table sat upon a flora patterned rug, and around the round table sat several people, including Master Louver. Two women and three men, all of them elegant, graceful, and quiet. She sat down with nervousness suddenly gripping her as they watched her. She sat her sachel on the table. All their eyes moved to it, as if knowing something.

Master Louver spoke, "Nella, we welcome you most ardently to our realm, Selador. Each person sitting here shall be part of your journey in some way, for each of us has an important role to fill. Long has there been logomachy here, with no one to moderate a central position to direct such use of logos, hence why we need your skills as a philologist, not only for aiding in any disagreements, but also to be an actual writer of our realm. Writing is a very important element of our existence. We are here because it is written so. Lady Cora will explain more of the history so you understand. She has been our historian for an olam."

As Master Nolan spoke, she was beginning to see that she was being asked to fill a position in this realm of Selador, which has had a missing position for a time. She, a stranger, to be an important figure in the history of a place. It thrilled her and frightened her. She didn't feel as if her skills were very grand. She was younger and had much more to learn. How could she be useful?

One of the men stood up, walked to a shelf close by, and took an old, big book down and brought it to the table. He placed it close to Nella and opened it. It creaked with age, but it was well-made and filled with elegant script. The sweet scent of the old book rose as he opened it, vanilla and musk. She was mesmerized by the book. It seemed to be a part of life here, in some way attached to it.

"Books here are different than you might have learned in other places. They have a deeper meaning and importance that I will help teach you. We can exist here because of these books." He began.

She felt a bit like she was diving into a deep mystery that she was going to have to learn about, for all her intuitions wanted her to reject such a thing. Surely books do not hold that kind of power or magic.

Master Louver could see from across the table that she looked puzzled, "I know this sounds like some myth you read as a child, and it goes against all you were taught. We are going to show you how it is a myth, indeed, one that we are living. Your guide with these books will be Master Nolan." He gestured to the man who was standing near her with the book. She looked up at him, and she saw wisdom in his face, but he was not old. He had dark hair and green eyes, which met hers after which he said with a smile, "I am very excited to set to work on all this with you. It will be thrilling."

She could see the excitement in his gaze, and she wondered how it would be thrilling. She, too, grows excited about books, but she has not met anyone else who was more excited than herself. She smiled at him as he sat down again, with the book.

"Nella, are you willing to take on this journey? I know it's not all clear, but it will be much more clear if you can be patient and allow the story to unfold in time." Master Louver spoke again as he leaned forward at the table, "We ask for your help, to be part of our writer's guild, to use your skills for the good of this realm. There are many mysteries to be discovered here, and with your imaginative tendencies, you will easily feel occupied with all it has to offer. If you do not wish to, we can take you back to wherever you wish to go, or you can claim your purpose here."

All was quiet as they looked at her with anticipation. She did not understand the weight they asked her to accept, but she knew that the mysteriousness and beauty of the place had already captured her, and she really did want to find out more of the secrets. Her heart wanted to do good, and she did not know how she would do it, but here she could be used for good, and it was her duty to accept it.

She looked around the table at each of them, and a feeling of excitement rushed through her as she said, "It will be my duty and privilege to stay."

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