18 May 2016

God's Creative Action

We are the product of Your creative action,
shaped and formed into something of worth.
- Isaiah 64.8

I am not who I was made to be unless God's hands have touched my heart and life, molding me into a much better version. Without God, I am pursuing selfishness with eager feet as the way of the world burns those desires into me. We all are in constant danger of this.

But when God is in my heart, working His wonders, I am formed. I am slowly shaped. My rough edges made smooth. Love then flourishes in my heart. It is a tougher life, because being formed and shaped according to someone other than yourself can be difficult. It requires much of us, in letting go of ourselves and also going against the grain of the world. Everything around us tries to persuade us to give in to the ease of this world. Around every corner, Satan waits and lingers for your downcast spirit, so he can jump in with the whispers to take the easy road.

Resist it, and you will be much better off in every way. 

Apart from God, you can make your way in this world, perhaps, but what about the next world? The present world is not what we were made for, and our unrequited desires that hang onto us here can only be satisfied in another world. Alas, in New Creation.

What happens next is beyond what our imaginations can perceive. In fact, it's far better than we could ever create for ourselves. Yet with our imaginations we can wander and wonder to the joy that will be ingrained in every fiber of God's creative action displayed to its full.

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