01 August 2016

Love Learning, Will Travel


Sometimes the travel and learning I do doesn't revolve around literature, England, or writing. Imagine that! It is actually directly related to my job. And it is learning, and I enjoy it. It is a different kind of learning - investments and working with clients. I have a lot more to learn about it all, and am eager to soak it in, acquire, and utilize. 

I recently went to St. Louis for my semi-annual  company event. It was a busy, jam-packed few days of attending a regional investment conference at the Ritz Carlton (O the luxury! I had a full day there, and enjoyed it very much) and then some company meetings the next day, focusing on updates and good talks/lectures, which left me writing thoughtfully in my notepads, for review later.

This is the kind of thing I really enjoy, and am always thankful to take part in. Soaking in knowledge about topics that apply to me (and/or interest me) so I can do my job better, taking notes, with a little bit of social time mixed in. I know I am odd when I say I prefer the days to be weighted more heavily in the learning sessions or meetings more than the social events, and this time it was exactly that for me, but I also had some really good, lengthy talks with various planners and advisors that I hadn't spent much time with previously. Of course, the days are exhausting and my brain felt overflowing with information that might spill out, but something in me likes that. For I know that if I am not continuously learning, I am in danger of being complacent in my knowledge. 

There was also a bit of fun in those days, with a pie-eating contest for the partners of the firm (and a few other brave employees!). Those guys have amazing Christ-centered hearts, and I am glad they are running the show, and are willing to do some silly things.

Learning and travel go hand-in-hand I think. When you travel you are learning about locations, routes, places, histories, people, and cultures. Mix those two together and you get a pretty wonderful combination, in my eyes. 

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