04 June 2019

A Post for an Ordinary Monday

Dear Monday, the birdsong is lovely. The light is soft thus far and it wakes me up slowly. Be the beauty I long for on an ordinary day. Help me in my simple day, for it is prone to grow complex the second I walk out the door. I seek the simple, and yet....the world tries its very best to make everything more complex.  Oh how I wish it were not so!

God, You must be so good, so patient, so gracious, and so merciful to love us. We are such as convoluted, complex, faulty, selfish, greedy people. We don't love each other well, and we certainly don't love You well. We try but we tend to we fall short every day, and yet You always show love to us. You show us in ways we might ignore. The small things we sometimes get too busy to see. The blooming jasmine in the yard, the kind stranger who let you pass in front of them in line, the orange glowing sunrise, the first opening of a new book, the encouraging words that someone says to you out of the blue. There are many things we get to experience each day. May we all awaken our eyes to take it into our hearts, and then muse for a second to give thanks for them.

On an ordinary Monday the sun might rise just like it did yesterday. The day may feel the same in all its atmospheres, but it's never just the same. Yesterday there were puffy clouds scattered across the sky but today the sky is electric blue with no cotton candy clouds. Today you have the wisdom gained from something that happened yesterday, and you are now more aware of something. Today you have the imaginative story that you finished reading last night living inside of you as you meditate on the deeper truths that tale was telling. Today you have another chance to show love, as yesterday is already over.

Perhaps this isn't such an ordinary Monday (or Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday). Maybe it is something special to pay attention to, and treat it as a gift. We can do a lot in a day. In those waking hours there are many choices before us and we have the control over how we act and what we say. It all starts today. I'm going to pour my cup of coffee and pray that God will help me see all the goodness ahead of me, the things He has set-up in my path.

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