10 January 2024

On Reading Challenging Books


Happy 2024 to you!

With the freshness of a new year comes the tendency to think about ways to improve oneself in the coming 12 months. It's an admirable task that requires some reflection on the last year and the thoughts of how to work toward becoming better in some way. Whether that's through setting goals, changing habits, setting intentional tasks, everyone is different in how they might approach it. 

I think a lot about reading, of course, as it is one of life's greatest pleasures, but it's also one of life's gifts for learning, growing, being challenged, and developing into a better person. I often talk to people about books and in conversation I might mention some authors I love and quite frequently I hear something along the lines of - "oh that's too difficult for me to read. I don't understand any of it." While it might be true that the level of that author might be above one's level at the moment, you will never grow as a reader if you never read above your level. If you only stick to the comfortable, easy books where you know everything, you'll always feel like certain books are "off limits" because they are above your ability to understand. You are limiting yourself.

I always wonder what people are afraid of if they don't understand everything in a book. I usually explain that I also don't understand everything by that author, and maybe when I read it 5 years ago I only understand 40% of it, but certain things stick and over the years I grow into that knowledge. Then, I will read it again and grasp much more, maybe understanding 70%. We grow into the wisdom that has come before us by reading ahead of ourselves and letting it guide us. Sooner rather than later, you grow into that level of reading and it becomes your level of reading the more you do it. Which then opens the doors to a world of more books to read that once scared you.

So as I ponder these things, I think about my own reading and how I want to continue to challenge myself and put my brain to work. I want to pick up the great books. The books that will make me think deeply. The books that will get my cognitive muscles working. The books that will improve my life by teaching me great insights. To read those wiser than me. My intelligence will never grow by sitting in a comfort zone. So, here are some notes to self, as I pick up books to read this coming year. 

- Put your brain to work. We are gifted with the amazing ability to think, ponder, consider, weigh morals, judge, muse, question. Use that gift. Stretch your brain and your understanding of the world.

- What is the real reason you are afraid to read something you deem is above your intelligence?

- Read outside your comfort zone. Don't just read about the topics you already know. Read topics you know very little about.

- Read above your intelligence level. It's okay to enjoy some fun books of course, but weave in the challenging ones as well. Ones you think are "too smart" for you.

- Don't be afraid to feel kind of stupid as you read. Nobody else knows as you read that you didn't know about "this" or "that".  

- Don't be afraid to be confused by a book, or not understand it all. Bits and pieces will stick, and you'll come back to it later. In the meantime, it's a good brain workout.

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