12 June 2013

Upside Down

I am grasping at words to properly acclimate my faulty self with the truth of God's creative love, which enriches me even deeper than I allow to emerge in my life. Sometimes I feel upside down in my thoughts when I cannot quite pinpoint the right word to articulate my feeling.

As a conduit for God's love to the world, I am a tiny meager piece, but I am part of it. And I want to do my piece well, for in everything I do, glory rises to Him who has given me all abilities.

My soul sings today with words of praise, simply because it's His day to give, and He has given it graciously.
Down to every ticking second on the clock, it is all a gift.

My words flow easily at times and sometimes I feel they are not fully projecting the deep thoughts that drift around in my mind, especially when that happens minutes before I fall asleep. Why is it that profound thoughts make their way to fruition as I fall asleep? In these moments when my mind is moving but my body is between waking and sleep, I am tempted to get up and scribble notes in my journal. And often I do.

And in the deep moments of quiet, as the night is still and solemn, my mind awakens if I let it go....with a thankful heart.

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