10 May 2018

Eternity is Now

My eternal self is here.
Now is the day
Every day is the time
to live into it, new creation.
Every moment matters
Every effort matters
It sets the tone for the next
When all we do and all we are
will be perfected
All our efforts will be seen in 
the beauty they were meant 
to be.
A gift. We shall see
It's all going on now.
Every moment matters.

Say hello to moments that matter. When we learn to change our view of how we look upon each day, and we see each moment as a beautiful gift it all looks different (fresh, as if seen with new eyes) and we live with an appreciation about it all. When I recognize that what I do now matters in the eternal perspective, it causes me to think more deeply about every step and every thought I let sink in. What do I let myself dwell upon? 

And on the other side, what am I creating and doing that will be continued into eternity? Am I using my gifts in all the ways I can for God's glory? Am I removing myself from the equation so that my own clutter doesn't hinder me?

These questions cause me to pause and reflect, because I am a work in progress, I know there is more to do. That fact is encouraging to me, as it means I am not done yet and there is so much more I can be and do. These questions remind me to be more and more who God created me to be.

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