15 May 2018

Here I am

Here I am
In a quiet refuge of reflection
As the soft pitter patter of raindrops
Lulls the evening to sleep
As I should be
And yet
Here I am
Staying up late with candles burning
And words brewing within
They need a place to go
So here they are with me
Falling a gentle rain
Like grace.

A bright red cardinal is living in my neighbourhood. I've seen him several times over these last few days. He's been hanging out on the bird feeder, dangling from the orchid tree in my yard. He grabs a snack, and flutters off to the tree across the alley, chirping his very distinctive song and I watch him in wonder. Then I hear the owl hooting nearby, too. I love that my little yard is a welcoming place for such lovely creatures. And as my landlord works on the yard more and more, clearing things out and adding more elements of a garden, the space will become even more of a refuge and dwelling spot, for humans and creatures alike. The cat has already been testing out the new bench and table, and I told him that he cannot hog the bench for himself. I may want to bring my book out there one morning.

The last few nights have provided the perfect atmosphere of rainy and cosy. Amidst all the day's activity and things to do, I have been trying to simply sit and listen. What does the rain sound like? Is it the sound of the metal railing that I hear, or the roof over the front of my home? Sometimes I find that when I stop to pay attention to the present moment and observe the senses, a few things happen all at the same time. I feel thankfulness for that moment and the blessing that it is to me and I hear words rummaging around in my head that can find a place to rest on pages of my journal. 

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