01 November 2012

Roads: Let the Poet Speak

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

"The Road Not Taken", Robert Frost

Remember this poem by Robert Frost? Surely you read it in high school and had to analyse it, and determine if there was a positive or negative result from his choice of which road to take. I remember my high school English teacher discussing this poem with my class, and each student took this to be a positive poem, indicating that he took the road less traveled by and the difference it made was good. I remember the teacher crushing my assumption that I was correct when she suggested quite plainly that perhaps the poet did not intend it to have a positive connotation. Perhaps there was regret by the road he took. It is called, "the road not taken."

This completely changed my way of reading poems, which is probably what my teacher was hoping for. It taught me to open myself up to what the poet was saying, without bringing my own perspective and desires of what I wanted it to be. It taught me how to let the words of the poet speak.

This is how it is with God. He is the poet. We are always trying to make what we want out of His work. The truth is, I have a choice everyday. If I choose to give God glory in everything I do, whether it's encouraging someone, writing, or processing paperwork in the office, I am giving God the opportunity to use me how He chooses. When I open myself up to that, God's plan will unfold, not mine. That may not satisfy my own wishes, but I am moody, emotional, and easily swayed by the day's events. I can't always see what is best. But the Master Poet does.


  1. Loved this today.

    Have you read the Inklings (Humphrey Carpenter) by any chance?

  2. No, I haven't read it, nor do I know about it. Is it good?

  3. It's a wonderful award-winning biography of Lewis, Tolkien, and others of their contemporaries at Oxford. On top of it being an adored subject, the writing is delightful. I think that's so rare!

    Anyway, there are a variety of discussions of God the poet relayed in the book, which is why I thought of it upon reading this post.

    Actually, I first found your blog when I was searching for something I found in that book!

    I hope you get the chance to read it. I suspect you might really like it. At worst, I think you'll enjoy having read it :)

  4. I will definitely check that book out! I am always looking for new reads. Thanks for the suggestion.

    How interesting you found my blog that way! You must enjoy Lewis and Tolkien as well?

  5. Kacie! I thought I had subscribed to your blog comments and something must have gotten mixed in my doing so. I'm delighted to see that you replied! And, sorry for my delay in seeing it.

    Most definitely (on Lewis and Tolkien). I'm partial to Lewis' writings, and as am thankful for the man as I am his writings (long story that I'm happy to share one day). As for Tolkien, I appreciate his mastery of story more than his writing per say. The things I most often reference of Lewis' are his person and his words, while with Tolkien it's more his characters and their circumstances, if that makes any sense.

    Funny, but I'm not sure I knew that about myself until I just wrote it.

    So lovely of you to reply! :)

    1. I am so sorry about the notifications not working. Glad you came back to check it out!
      What you are saying about Lewis and Tolkien makes perfect sense and I feel the same way (would love to hear your story about Lewis, by the way). The way Tolkien weaved all his Middle Earth stories together is amazing, and how he created all those languages. The stories of the characters are deeply moving. I took a class on Tolkien in college, and loved it.

      And with Lewis, like you said, it is the words. I can read his writings all day long, and he grips me with truth every time.

      Sometimes I don't realize something until I start writing, too. :)

    2. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the notifications issue was user error, lol.
