20 November 2012


A slight aching in the legs as we climb into bed after a good day's walking is, in fact, pleasurable.
-C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis loved his daily walks. When he lived in Oxford, there were ample opportunities, his favorite being Addison's Walk, which is a one mile circuit passing by his home of Magdalen College. Oxford is such a walkable city, and each time I have been there several miles were walked each day, all resulting in some tired legs and feet. But it is a good thing, for Oxford charmed me from the first encounter, and I will gladly go back and spend time walking all those historic streets again. Tired feet and all.

The photo above is taken from just outside the side gate of Magdalen College. This is Addison's Walk, which is a nature trail. The building in the photo is where Lewis' rooms were. He would meet there with friends to talk about their writings, or at the Eagle and Child Pub.

I love going for walks, especially when the weather is cool and you have a good companion with you. There is something energizing about getting fresh air and getting out of your own little zone to the rustling of trees and the sound of your feet crunching on leaves or gravel. This is the time of year when walks outside are highly appealing.

In Pride and Prejudice there is a line spoken by Caroline Bingley (I believe) about how refreshing it is to get up and walk around after sitting in one attitude for so long. And it's true!


  1. I wish I could take walks like this more often... but clearly England beats the Middle East when it comes to walkability.

    Until I read the Inklings, I never realized that Lewis & co also took walking tours where they would journey from town to town on foot popping in at pubs and resting at inns along the way. It made me long to try such a thing myself!

  2. Do you live in the Middle East? When I learned of their walking tours, I was astounded, and then I thought how fun it would be! Except in the rain. That would not be pleasant. I want to read The Inklings, but it's not the easiest to find. :)

  3. I'm so glad that Firefox saves pages I've viewed... it's how I'm able to find these comment-threads!

    I do live in the Middle East, in Muscat, Oman. If you love a chill on the breeze or a silver sky, you must know how I long for it being out here! There is essentially no reprieve from sunny days here, and while some may love that, I'm quite partial to rain-enlivened green. Alas.

    And dare I say I might just change your life with what I'm about to share, lol.

    There is a UK distributor of books that ships free anywhere in the world called Book Depository. They have heaps of books from the British press including many titles we don't have in our bookshoppes in the US. They even had an edition of Boxen, though I believe it is currently sold out :(

    Anyway, here is the link for the Inklings, available for $11.84


    1. I cannot even imagine life in Oman! Wow! Are you there for a job? You must look at this picture (above) from Oxford and wish for the rainy days they have in England, and the greenery. You know? I don't mind rainy days, or cloudy days.

      Oh my! This Book Depository is amazing! Thanks for sharing this life changing website. hahaha

      Funny enough, I bought a copy of Boxen in Oxford, and gave it to my brother last year for Christmas. I have yet to read it. I should probably "borrow" it from him....

  4. Let me know if/when you do and I'll pick mine up too!
