26 November 2012

Early Winter Chill

Oxford, England
And often when the brown leaves
Were brittle on the ground,
And the wind in the chimney
Made a melancholy sound.

-Edna St. Vincent Millay

I have been a bit under the weather since last weekend. Going out of town to Savannah I think caused some sort of lingering cold to catch up with me. Savannah didn't give me the cold. It was cold there, which made me giddy with excitement. Jen and I took a walk with baby Liliana and we had to bundle up with hats and scarves! We had fun.

The chilly air (gladly) has been in Florida too, not cold, but nothing I will complain about. My little cold isn't from the chilly weather. It can't be. The chilly air and I get along famously. There's no chill between us (pun intended).

I have been distracted lately. Busy. My challenge is to focus on God and prayer, and to keep that as my centre. It is hard, but this week it can be done. It can be done anytime if I choose to make it happen. It's all about setting priorities. Training my mind in obedience. The more I focus on the God, the more I focus. The less I focus on God, the less and less I focus. It's a slippery slope if I lack and a good habit formed when I focus.

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