04 January 2016

On Foggy Beginnings

Ring in the valiant man and free,
The larger heart, the kindlier hand,
Ring out the darkness of the land,
Ring in the Christ that is to be.

- Alfred Lord Tennyson

The new year is upon us, with a wintry chill and grey cover. I am giddy with excitement. The past several days have been both busy and relaxing. Filled with family time including gifts, games, food, and laughs, but also time to clean up Christmas decor and freshen up for the new year. There is such a good feeling in having a fresh start and space.

On the last day of the year I looked upon the morning that was clouded in fog and mist. It was a gladsome tiding to me; an inkling of the time ahead. Time is shrouded in fog and mist. We cannot see ahead except for just a few steps in front of us. But we can have faith that what lies ahead is filled with goodness. We can choose to believe that God wants for us something better than we can imagine for ourselves. We can look into the fog of unanswered questions and know deep down that God has a plan for everything. And we can walk in it.

We do not need to fret over what we cannot see. The days coming up this year will contain trials and challenges, but they will also contain joys and smiles. And like a flash (or a sparkler!), it will be known to us and we will not be in the dark.

I look ahead into this new year with hopeful expectancy. I know that God is good, and He has good plans. People also have plans, and they have the freedom to make choices that can cause heartache, so all I can do is trust in God's plans, which are full and true. He will take me to places I never thought possible. Already at the end of 2015, I saw inklings of that. There is more to come!

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