27 January 2016

Thankful Heart

If I cannot do great things,
I can do small things
in a great way.
 - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sometimes I muse upon how I am exactly where I should be. 
Yet I am not at a standstill. I am no statue. I can move forward while being exactly where I should be. It is a paradox I love to dwell in.

Thankfulness seeps into these musings every time. From a thankful heart flows many other good things. It stems from being content, no matter the situation, because who are we to question God's ways? We do not know what lies ahead that God has planned for us, and we cannot fully understand His higher ways. When we come to each moment with a thankful heart, we set ourselves up with the right attitude from the get go.

We learn from Job that our God is so big, nothing we can ever present to Him is too big for Him to handle, and yet nothing is too small for Him to not notice. The Eternal One pays attention to us. When others might ignore us when we seek to be heard, God always hear us. When we cry out to Him in our trials and sorrow, He comforts us.

Lord, thank you for paying attention. Help us receive the comfort You give and help us dwell in thankfulness, always.

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