22 April 2019

Poems of Oxford 1

Radcliffe Camera

A cold wind wrapping around
classical architecture, holding
thousands of volumes comprised
of thoughts, lessons, stories - 
within the bookbindings.
Kept safe and warm, a calm
place no matter the storm.
Thoughts encouraged within
these walls, within pages.
Brisk walks, chats, 
and photo spots
outside on the cobbles.
All involved desire 
a cup of tea -
one side to escape the cold,
the other to escape the mental labour.

Turl Street Bright

In the sunshine, Turl Street glows.
Ancient sandstone buildings
and narrow walks.
A lull of quiet leads to a bustle 
of people, a tour group
passing by, dazzled by beauty.
I feel the tingle of beauty 
each time I walk
down this street.
It joins history, and a pathway
to the Bodleian.
And on a grey day it holds all
the charm of a cosy street 
with warm coffee shops and
bookshop in which to stop.
Come inside, they beckon,
warm your hands with a cuppa.

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