26 October 2012

Tiny Bits of Autumn

Every year Lakeland has a big classic car show, which fills the streets of downtown and then goes around Lake Mirror, pictured here. It attracts a lot of people and is always a popular event. The weather was pretty, and it was really nice to see a good crowd there.
I always smile when I see a BMW 2002 because my parents had one back in the 70's. I rode around in it when I was a wee little girl. We know the owner of this 2002, and it won an award!
I cannot walk around Lake Mirror without stopping in to the prettiest garden, Hollis Garden. I sit here in the shade on a stone bench and listen to the classical music playing, and it recharges my batteries.
I finished a little crochet project! This is a pillow with an Autumn color scheme, which is getting me thinking about making a matching lap blanket. I started this project as something else, but somehow it turned into a pillow.
One perfect accompaniment to the tiny bit of Autumn is some Earl Grey tea. I have been making mine with a little bit of vanilla and soy milk. Yum. How do you take your tea?


  1. Hi Kacie, I'm a bit of a blog stalker and actually have an email for you but don't know where to send it.

    I tried to comment a while back and it never appeared; I wonder if it didn't go through, or if maybe it were too stalker-y to get through comment moderation? :)

    Anyway, I've been reading your blog for a while (story for later) and always laugh to myself at how weird it is that you always mention odd things that are nearly exactly what I would say. You are far more poetic, and I don't crochet, but I do prefer earl grey tea and take with sugar and milk.

    Only because my favorite way to drink it - with vanilla syrup and milk - is rarely on offer.

  2. hmmm... I now see that comments immediately post, so I'm supposing that previous comment just didn't go through. Good to know! :)

  3. Thank you for your comments! Glad you tried again. Not sure what happened the first time around with the comment not showing up.
    I only recently discovered the vanilla and milk addition to my tea, and it's quickly become a favourite. Before, I would just add honey, which is delicious too. :)
