15 February 2017

Lingering Hearts

Something in me longs for love. A deep notion with a core ancient in origin. Something rooted in my existence, as far reaching as the cosmos, and as close as my nearest thought.

Handled with utmost care when grounded in grace. 

We love because He first loved us (1 John 4.19)

Drifting to and fro from what our minds tell us is concrete and knowable, and what our hearts hold as hope of the unknown.

We are all living question marks. Stepping forward day to day into a new realm not yet known. But because we have an ultimate love given to us providing all that we need, we can give our love to others as a gift. We can use the passions lying within us, for their good. Others can see what is important to us by this.

Where do our hearts linger?

Love is outlined before us. Little rocky paths we scuff with our feet. Do the paths lead to those around us?
Do those others know what is in your heart?

You can see that it is not a romance that I speak of. Not in the modern sense. More like an ancient, eternal sense. Love transcends all emotion because it is an action we choose to make. Our hearts can swell as we care and love others well, as we fulfill God's intentions for us.

Different kinds of love surround us. Friendship is love. It is the kind of love that is unnecessary for our existence but that challenges us the most, in all the best ways. We look out into the world together, side by side. We don't lose ourselves in each other but keep one another on track. A deeply embedded thankfulness abounds in me for those whom I call my friends.

When we love by giving, we open up ourselves with gentleness. Something our world needs in abundance, along with love.

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