17 December 2018

Winter Grey

The darkness gathers, growing deeper,
as the afternoon proceeds.
I light taper candles and marvel
as the warm glow exceeds.
The steady flames offer light,
to each moment something small.
And yet a luxury, given these dark,
grey-cast wintry hours that fall
cold and fixed, caught in a globe
of muted light and monotones.
These are favourite days of mine,
I dwell gladly in the cosiest state
The warming glow of comfort with tea,
candles, and books are times I anticipate.

The negation of the sun causes me to feel all sorts of cosy, with aims at the candle-lit grey colour scheme cosiness of my home. I don't grow glum at all, but relish in this winter-like monochrome day. Give me more of these days, please.

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