19 December 2018

Selador - An Imaginative Story, Ch. I

I have been working on a little story for some time. I add to it every now and then. My love of writing, if not made clear by this blog, is life-long, and yet I rarely (pretty much never) share any story or fiction that I write. In learning more about myself (thanks to the personality questionnaires I have been able to take, most recently the Enneagram) I am learning of my task that is set before me - the gift is to give away that which I discover, write, learn, or do. This blog is a way for me to do that, but I have always been hesitant to share stories I write. I am a mere novice in writing stories, and as I read amazing books written I doubt my own abilities. I know that the world needs more light, truth, and beauty, and if I can produce even a tiny glimmer of that, then my imaginative effort is not in vain.
In the spirit of taking the risk, and trusting that someone may read what I share and connect with it, or ponder the questions raised, I want to share a few chapters; a sort of serial release and sampling of chapters.

The prelude I have already shared on my blog, but you likely missed it. Read that HERE.

Chapter I

She finds herself walking through a long, white, empty, but well-lit tunnel. Leading to the unknown, a feeling of apprehension fills her. The lighting of the tunnel is hidden, and there are no lamps or sconces. It raises questions in her, but she keeps walking for fear of the unknown seems to escalate with the thought of stopping in her tracks.

It is silent, except for her own soft footfalls. How long will she have to walk? Where is she walking to? Comfortable loafers adorn her feet, but no shoe can help weariness after so long.

Is there a curve ahead? Or is that an illusion? What if someone is there? Will they be friendly or dangerous? She keeps walking at a steady pace. Suddenly in the distance, she sees light coming from a wall, casting a glow on the floor. What could it be? A door?

As she approaches, it is most certainly a window. Her pace quickens. Perhaps this window will give a clue as to where she is.

She reaches the window and glances behind her. Not a soul. She decided to stop at the small window, a square of frosty glass that reveals nothing except blurry brightness. But it is indeed bright, from the sun? She must be above ground, she concludes. But why is she walking and where is she going?

She decides to keep walking. She won't get to a better place by standing still. It seems like hours pass by, but it could be minutes. Time has no presence here, just a sameness. A whiteness of mundane. Surely it has been hours, but the light in the tunnel hasn't changed. It is all the same white, curved space. Sterile. Clean and bare. No end in sight.

She begins to lose hope that an end will come, but then she sees a door in the side of the tunnel. Hidden, with only a small knob to indicate anything different from the smooth surface. She tries it. Nothing. It won't open. She cannot see any light or hear anything behind it. If a door was here, there must be another, she told herself to trust that there will be a door that she can open. A hopefulness rises again as she walks onward. The space has become so familiar, and less scary than hours ago (days ago?). Perhaps her mind being focused on the mission of finding a door temporarily stunts her fears.

Soon, another door comes, and it will not open. Then another door, and another. None of them budge as she throws her weight against them. Someone else could lose hope by this time, but she could not. Something inside her nudged her forward, but she knew not what. A steady presence of calm kept her focused and moving.

The diluted white space above, below, and all around was pale and lifeless. No warmth emanated, so she must find that within. She felt an assurance that something better was through a door. The right door. She had a hope deep down that this was not all there was.

She had no inkling as to how long she has walked (days?) but it mattered not, for another door was approached. It was smaller than the rest of them, almost like a broom closet. As her hand reached the knob, she felt it open before it did, and she had to blink several times to see that a whole world lay before her...

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