19 August 2019

Stars and Spheres

I am watching the Nova series "The Planets". Is anyone else watching these episodes? I have always been filled with wonder and fascination when I look up at the night sky, or study the planets, stars, and galaxies. 

I hear the poetry of King David in my head. My favourite poetic verses in Scripture:

Psalm 19
The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
    no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
    their words to the ends of the world.

The spheres and stars make no sounds we can hear, yet they are revealing much to us as they spin and speed through the vast heavens. They play a music we cannot hear - the music of the spheres. And the beauty of it is beyond our imagining.

Watching these kinds of astronomy episodes fills me with wonder. I discover a new perspective of our solar system, learning about how all the right events, planetary movements like Jupiter shifting around before settling into its current location, had to come into an exact perfection in order for life to exist here. I do not think it is just crazy luck that these things took place. It wasn't a random chance of the draw. There is our Creator God above all this orchestrating the movement of the spheres, creating a perfect home for us.

The big question always asked and never answered, is did God create any other place in the universe with life?

God's love is so deep for us, He knew our sense of wonder and discovery would need to be filled, and He gave us this vast cosmos to set us wondering. The universe has to be big enough to warrant such amazement and mystery - I know we will ever figure it all out. We will continue to discover, and that's a beautiful thing.

Sometimes I watch a program or video about some element of space and time, and while it is filled with so much in the way of fascinating scientific facts, theories, and solid evidences that scientists seek, they leave God out of it. I do not need a scientist to tell me the reason Earth is somehow in the perfect place, set just right amongst the planets, far enough from the sun so we don't burn, and the only planet with liquid water to sustain life. I know that God created such a place for us. Did God move around the planets, pushing Jupiter back so that Earth could flourish with seas and trees? Indeed, it was God who made it possible for the planets to form, and our sun to burst forth into light. 

We know a little bit about the cosmos, and there will always be more to figure out. Even about our neighbor planets, which are close (relatively - if you consider that in the scope of the universe millions and billions of miles would be close).

To know that God cares for each of us, on such a small planet in the vastness of the starry landscape is a treasure to hold in our hearts. We have the same love in our souls that created the stars. His love moves the stars and spheres. They follow His circles of love in the cosmos. We get to look up in wonder, and praise Him for their glory as we spin along with them through the heavens.

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