12 August 2019

The Great Thinking Morning

We thought words travelled the wires
In the shiny pouches of raindrops,
Each one seeded full with the light
Of the sky

- Seamus Heaney

It is a rare weekend with no plans, so I plan (paradoxically, haha) to do mostly bookish things amidst the regular chores that call each weekend. Nobody is expecting me, and there is no time to be somewhere. So now is the time to embrace this ability to embrace all the bookishness. I shall be mostly cloistered away in my tiny library tree house home. 

But first, coffee.
It is that time of day perfectly set-up for coffee and thinking. The mornings awakens those desires for me. As I sit here, my coffee comes, and I think about the gratitude I feel for those who have bought and are reading my book, and how I so thoroughly enjoy any comment/feedback I receive from those who give it. My duty as the writer is to respond in gratitude, and I do so eagerly. I welcome the thoughts of readers, and love to hear what spoke to them the most, or what they thought about a certain section of the book. To hear the differing perspectives is delight.

I am reminded of C.S. Lewis, who responded to every single letter he received from a reader of his books. He felt so strongly that it was his duty (or perhaps a better word, privilege) to respond to every person who took the time to read his books, and write to him question or thoughts. I feel the same. I understand how it feels to have someone read the words that swam around in my head for so long, and finally make their way out onto pages. The very least I can do is answer questions, or hear their their thoughts, or sign a copy. I am filled with overwhelming gratitude anytime that happens. 

 The great thinking morning continues as my hand scribbles away in my journal, and coffee slowly disappears from the cup. When I have time to spare, time to sit and ponder, time to listen to those conversations going on all around me, it is a lovely morning indeed. I love the morning coffee shop vibes of a Saturday. No need to rush my coffee. I sip it slowly and let the smooth taste sustain me for awhile. It is a coffee so delicious, a treat after a week of working and not lingering very long with my coffee and thoughts.  I mark this time with a deep sense of appreciation.

The later it gets, the busier it gets at the coffee shop. Families rush in like a herd, dads come in with little ones, eager for their strong coffee, young couples come in for iced lattes.  It is a rustle of bustle.

What about this quiet writer sitting softly at the round marble table hidden in plain sight? It is where I like to be - tucked away but able to observe. Not to be observed, but to observe. I will let the others be the show. I will be the one sitting quietly, likely unnoticed by all. Suddenly, I will drop off my empty cup and saucer at the counter, and slip away in a flash, back out in the humidity of the deep summer.

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