30 March 2020

Isolated Diaries - Interior Self

My self am centre of my circling thought,
Only my self I study, learn, and know.

- John Davies

Our bright mornings have lasted for a century here. It does not seem that the world knows what clouds or rain are at the moment. If you know me, you know that I love cloudy, grey days that are moody, interesting, and provoke weather. Clear blue days seem rather dull to me. Nothing interesting jumps out to inspire. I know, I know. I am the oddest person alive.

When we are closed in with our own self,  we are sort of forced into dealing with ones own thoughts. You can try to deny them, try to distract from them, but eventfully you must face them. Those thoughts are latched in your brain, and nobody else knows it, but you do. They need your attention, they need to be attended to. Or, at least approached.

Now may be a time, as we are all in lock-down, or semi-lock-down across the globe, we all are isolated and now have the task of looking within ourselves. What do with do with this?

We are stuck at home, with no place to go (no place we should go, except the grocery when needed). To those who cannot stay home (those workers in the medical, health, emergency, banking, grocery, etc areas), you are the heroes of this story. Fear of the unknown is palpable. And yet warnings are sometimes discarded by some who choose to ignore the government leaders telling us to stay home. We should listen to our leaders and abide. For the good of all the people.

Whilst at home, you are left to investigate your circling thoughts. John Davies was a younger contemporary of William Shakespeare, and his words ring true. We are the centre of our own thoughts, and we are the only one who can study our own thoughts. We wrestle with it all. Particularly now, as so many questions hang in the air. How long will this last? How many will die? What will life be like when the virus passes?

What about now? What can you do now, even in isolation? 

I started making a list for myself (this is aside from working at home) to remind me of all the things I can do. It may be small (I do not feel like I can handle anything very large at the moment), but there are many things on my list.

What do we do with our circling thoughts?
That is what matters.

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