14 May 2012

Much to Learn

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
Will Rogers, American humorist

Genuine love is invited, not forced, motivated by faithfulness rather than fear, counts not as "loss" but gain in some deeper way, and leads to more just and loving relationships. 
-Bonnie J Miller

I will always be learning. A work in progress.
It's funny how as we age, we realize this more and more. How little we really know.
This is so different from the young (high school age) self we all once were. One who knew it all and thought the sun revolved around them.
But as I get older (late 20s is ancient, haha)
, it is so clear that I know and see so very little in this lifetime, and each moment is precious. It is not to be wished away. Yet it is a good and joyful thing to admit knowing nothing and making the most of every opportunity to learn, grow, and love. The true happiness doesn't come from living off of wishes for the future, but in living in the present moment and being wrapped in it. 

The mighty future is as nothing, being every thing! The past is every thing, being nothing! 

-Charles Lamb

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