01 May 2012

Good Kinds of Unexpected

I can see the wind: can you do that?
I can see the dreams he has in his hat,
I see him shake them out as he goes,
I see them rush in at man's snoring nose.
Ten thousand things you could not think,
I can write down plain with pen and ink!
-George MacDonald
When talking about travelling, the word "unexpected" may invoke fear to some people, but I delight in it. I just like it when I run across interesting things that are unplanned, yet that quickly become stories that are meant to be shared. Generally, when I travel, I have a basic plan for the day. A direction and ideas of things I want to do, but it is all easily alterable. One of the best things about travelling is running across some cool section of town, or a random event, or a concert of local musicians. A sudden connection to that place is established, and good memories build from there.

Most recently, on my road trip, Jen and I ran across 2 different Earth Day festivals. The one in Habersham provided us with recycled artwork, the best kettle corn ever, fresh lettuce, potatoes, carrots, and bread pudding that become our dinner that night. The one in downtown Savannah offered probably 50 booths of learning opportunities, a lot of interesting hippie-like people to watch such as the guy playing a huge didjeridu made from a tree trunk, and a perfect picnic place.

On Tybee Island we happened to be there on the day Fort Pulaski was free, and as we got there the canon fire demonstration was just beginning.
We came across 2 bookstores during the week that I didn't even know about, which is a bit like finding a treasure chest for me, full of shining temptations.
We found a riverside park with swinging benches in Beaufort and then had a coffee break at the coffee shop overlooking that park. Sitting on the covered wooden porch with iced coffee felt very southern (though iced tea would have fit the part better, but I prefer coffee). 

I guess I like being on my toes. I like discovering the secrets of a place and being delighted in what it has to offer. If disappointed, I move on, but if it's fabulous, linger a bit longer. Allow a little exploration because oftentimes the most amazing spots are not on the main street and not advertised. 

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