07 October 2015

Two Leaves (Signs of Autumn)

Two leaves fluttered slowly down, twisting, turning, toiling as they floated down from the tree along the road. Delightfully dancing as the season beckons them to fall.

Is autumn here?

I quiver with delight at the thought.

This morning I woke up to the first real sense of autumn. The temperature was in the mid-60s and it was wonderful. When one can step outside and feel a coolness in the air that hasn't been felt in five months, it is good reason to smile and dwell in thankfulness all day long.

And that is precisely what I did. 

The weather was weather. Chilled, misty, rainy, then clearing and sunny. Set that cycle on repeat. That is the definition of weather, and I love it. It felt like England. Unpredictable in the grey and misty coolness. Staying cool all day.

The rains that come are light, starting and ending with a misty rain that makes me think I could be in the UK, where fog and mist rise often (and possible at any minute) creating a feeling of enchantment. My yard became an enchanted garden, where the blooms pop brightly, and the layers of plants go on further, like entering the wardrobe and going deeper into a place full of richness and beauty. 

When I looked out my window I thought I was looking out at the quadrangle in which I recently stayed in Oxford, just for a second.
I will continue to look for these tiny signs of autumn.

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