13 November 2020

Autumnal Beauty


Poetry makes immortal all that is best and most beautiful in the world.

- Percy Bysshe Shelley

There was a day or two that felt autumnal recently. When that happens after a deep, long summer, my imagination awakens and the words come flowing, inspired by the change I long for all summer. When I get to don a sweater and feel the chilly air atmosphere, my heart leaps with joy and appreciation. May more of these autumnal days come again soon. Until then, a poem in the likeness of a memory must suffice.

Autumnal Beauty

An Autumnal firmament view on this eve -

Intricately patterned in a seasonal shift.

Green leaves rustle and some take their leave -

Embracing a change entering windy and swift.

Our neighborhood star rising on a skew -

Beams of morning gold slant in their space,

Evincing me a turn of time I view,

Pondering the perspective from such heavenly place.

The cosmos is our ceiling, a starry roof -

Reaching beyond imagination and eyes.

We measure and detect with no visual proof -

Yet we acknowledge and wonder at God's grand skies.

The falling leaf gives me this to know -

The mystery of every created pleasure -

Our meaningful ability to observe, learn, and grow -

Is a perfect posture for every day leisure.

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