25 November 2020

Wintry Themes


Than these November skies
Is no sky lovelier. The clouds are deep;
Into their grey the subtle spies
Of colour creep,
Changing that high austerity to delight,
Till even the leaden interfolds are bright.

- John Freeman (1880 - 1929)

Some recent days of moody, misty, milky weather have nudged me into some wintry themes at home. Some pretty wooden trees have emerged to add some cheer. Even some sweaters have adorned my arms (much to my delight). Overcast greyscale skies tend to lean toward the feeling of winter and hibernation. Even if the temperatures are not freezing, a soft dip feels significant in contrast to the intense summer heat. 

We are meant to embrace seasons differently. As the hours of days grow darker and the wind rustles colder air into our neighborhoods, similar to the trees and bears falling into hibernation, we are meant to slow down as winter draws near. In a season of darker days and cold we can warm our homes with comfort and light. Spiritually, we can prepare for the season of Advent and the waiting in the darkness and unknown before the coming of Jesus.

I love these seasons of Autumn and Winter because after such a long and sweltering heat of many months, my soul needs a revival of thoughtful, meaningful, deeper musings that can come from the explorations and themes that comes along with the colder, darker seasons. 

It is no great surprise that in the lectionary the Book of Revelation is what is being read through November before Advent begins. With a book of pictures presented in the vision of John on Patmos, we get some imaginative glimpses into the future - some images of terror, and then wonderful images of the New Creation. It is a reminder that even amidst the darkness of our land (and our nations) our true light comes from a source unalterable and unchangeable. The light of the Lord Jesus.

May we feel the blessing in that truth. Happy Thanksgiving!

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