23 June 2011

A Difficulty Seeing

Hertford College, Oxford

O the darkness of that night
O the grandeur of that sight
None can speak it, none can tell
Heark I hear the thunder swell
-Charlotte Bronte, 1830

My heart was scattered today. The colors in my life seemed off. A gray cloud has been hovering and as streams of light are starting to be seen, the thunder is still rumbling.
In this time of the unknown, I stand on the edge of a chasm. A cleft dweller I am, clinging to the rocks that are so loose that I lose my grip many times.
But I visualize good happening with hope in my heart. Climbing to the top where a good place waits. But as the gray clouds have settled into the chasm, I cannot quite see where the top is. So, I ask myself, why is it so hard for me to hand over the anxious thoughts that do me no good? What do I think I am doing, holding onto that?

Lord, You are always near to hear me. Forgive my trust issues. I need You more than anything and the most important thing is to love You with all my heart, soul, and mind. Help me do this every day, not just some of the days. And as I trust and depend on You, all the puzzle pieces will start to fit together.

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