27 September 2017

Fairy Light

Is there glittery fair dust coming in from the window?
Or is it my imagination?

I'm going to require you to stretch your imagination. Sometimes we can grow so lazy and complacent with the artificial noise and entertainment that our world offers, that we lose all those innate desires to create, wonder, grow, and learn. I believe we were made to create, and given a variety of talents in order to explore those possibilities. It might not be writing, but it could be drawing, playing an instrument, telling spell-binding stories, brainstorming ideas and projects, coming up with ways to help others through processes or systems, or gardening.

We all need to use our imaginations more. Me included.

If you could read a story of your choosing about anything, what would it be about?
Would it be a meaningful journey?
Would you be learning a lot of things to unpack?
Would it be a mystery or puzzle to solve?

Would it be centered around family and relationships?
Would there be some deep, meaningful contemplative scenes?

I tend to want all of that, which is probably why I am so eager to read so much, and I have several books bookmarked at the same time. You cannot just narrow your reading to one thing when there is so much good to discover.

If you could transform one room of your house into anything with a bit of magic, what would it be?
Would it be a forest to explore?

Would it be a lakefront spot with mountains in the distance?
Would it be a beach with soothing waves?
Would it be a nature reserve home to a lot of animals?
Would it be a certain trail to a cliff in Scotland?

It would be tough to narrow it down, for the forest, cliff, and lake with mountains would entice me to enter that room. Maybe I can include it all by saying it would be a library, because all of these things exist within books and your imagination. I will admit, my whole home is something of a library, with books on shelves everywhere, and stacks in a few places, but there could be (maybe one day) an actual room dedicated to the books.

Until then, I will just have to let the fairy light filter into my living room.

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