04 November 2014

The Getty: Los Angeles


The Getty is an amazing place. It's a huge art museum on top of a mountain overlooking L.A. The fun begins when you park in an underground garage, and then get into a shuttle/tram that climbs the curves around the mountain overlooking Interstate 405 up to The Getty.

One could easily spend a whole day here, and still not see everything. There are several buildings of art and collections of artifacts. For one who isn't particularity fond of spending hours looking at art, there are countless scenic overlook spots, plenty of architecture to admire, and lots of gardens and paths for enjoyable walks. And when you get hungry, there's a delicious cafe that overlooks the Santa Monica Mountains as you eat organic and locally sourced chicken, butternut squash, pasta with beets, and other delights.

My favourite exhibit was the "Chivalry In The Middle Ages", which had a room of manuscripts from the Middle Ages. They are beautiful works of art and stunningly detailed. Any chance to look at old books is a thrill to me, of course.

1 comment:

  1. We love spending days at the Getty, although the Rococo furniture is usually where we linger. Like the mood of the photos and the itty bitty downtown skyline views!

