06 November 2014

The Last Bookstore: Los Angeles

 In downtown Los Angeles I had a mission to visit this bookstore. It was really the sole purpose of going downtown. Can you see why?

Now I had heard the traffic getting into downtown was usually pretty miserable, and since we were staying in the valley, we weren't exactly around the corner, but we didn't have it so bad and the store was easy to find.

The Last Bookstore is in an old bank, so it has the grand, tall ceilings and columns and it possesses the general feeling of splendor. The vaults of the bank are still there except that they now hold a different kind of treasure -- books! I made sure to peruse the vault downstairs which held the old hardback books.

In addition, there were countless artistic elements that were so much fun, like the book tunnel and the book window. Or the colour coordinated bookshelves. I love the quirky, unique bookstores that have character like this one. Not to mention the fun selection of new and used books throughout the first floor and second floor. The second floor also had a big back room with thousands of books for $1 each. That is where the colour coordinated shelves are, and where I found a few more books to add to my little stack of purchases.

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