19 September 2019

Creative Work

Man's creative work is the fulfilment of the Creator's secret will.
- Berdyaev

There are secrets and mysteries we cannot discover the answers to. There always will be. It is interesting to muse upon this idea. But that does not mean we cannot capture those momentary glimpses of something beyond our own knowledge in the act of creating.

Could our creative work reveal (lift the veil) just a tiny bit to see a glimmer of some of that secret? Do we possibly stand on the edge of something so mysterious, and by our work we get a glimpse over into the other realm, not too much, but just enough to fill us with deeper wonder?

I think this is what imaginative stories do for us, and we can do as creators of such stories. Whether we are published writers who fill pages of books, or we are parents/teachers/aunts/uncles of young eager learners who make up creative tales that go beyond the edges of the known maps, we are opening up to another world when we relinquish the hold we have on this world so seriously.

Sometimes that means we may need to laugh more. Or take the time to indulge in creating a magical story with a young child. Or listen to a story being told.

I feel like I am sometimes on the brink of something mysterious and wonderful, not quite understood, but fully immersed in. The details come streaming in, and they walk around in my thoughts for a long while, formulating and musing along the way. But only when they emerge to the page do they have some more purpose.

Don't let these stories fade. Smile at their presence, and get to work. Getting them scribbled on the page makes them one step closer to bearing the availability to share with others.

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