05 November 2015

This Thing Called Thankfulness

Life has been a blur lately. A compilation of various learning opportunities, words on pages that I attempt to memorize (ie. studying), volunteering, spending some time with family and friends, and tasks to focus on. I feel overwhelmed by all that is going on and all that I need to do, and at the same time I feel a deep-hearted thankfulness. I feel blessed beyond what I deserve. I have people in my life who are amazingly kind, loving, and encouraging. Near and far, these people are. You are probably one of those people. Yes, I mean you.

I am still trying to find signs of autumn in this hot Florida November, Any tiny sign draws my eye, because I have a hard time accepting that it is 90 degrees still. I should be able to wear sweaters by now, I shouldn't be sweating when I step outside. So, I am trying to pretend it is autumn, by making my home transport to a place of seasons, and by taking photos of leaves on the ground. I know, it's sad. I long for what this place doesn't have - seasons. And at this time each year, the longing becomes unbearable, and yet I must remain patient. And I do. And it will come.

These photos are all from the last several weeks. Something that might have happened last week feels like it happened three weeks ago, and vice versa. Since everything has blurred together so much lately, it's all blurred together in a post to say that all the big or small ways that you have encouraged me is fuel to my tiny flame. It is the reminder I need sometimes to keep going. I am deeply thankful for you.

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