05 May 2016

Feelings Not Overlooked

I do not want this feeling to fade into nothingness by morning. To evaporate into the air before words are written on a page. I do not want to undermine the momentary impulse to let the words out. To say it is thankfulness would be trite, but true. To say it is a contented knowing that all shall be well, would be a more accurate selection of verbiage.

There is something in me that knows all shall be well. In the midst of all the myriad of craziness that is going on in my life, it is the underlining that draws me back to the core of all that matters. Or, rather, the source of all that matters, which allows all that I care about to matter.

I am just dwelling here in the mode of thought, perhaps as a sequence of all this week's happenings, last several month's happenings, mixed with prayers for feeling content with what I am given. I am caught in a place where I desire simple, caring moments of thought that surpass the discarded tendency, and embrace a lasting tendency. I am interested in things that last. Whether it be job, friends, family, home items, memories, travel. The things that could stick around for ages to come. The best of all those things. These are what I would prefer to invest my time and efforts in.

These are some things that have graced my days, and in many ways they offer inspiration.

These are the feelings not overlooked.

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