19 March 2012

Many Firsts

Weekend Recap: 12 Hours of Sebring Race
I have been to the Sebring race many times. We go on Friday and Saturday. Friday we get to hang out in the BMW garage watching the mechanics work on the two race cars, and the drivers come out and talk with us. We also get to drive a couple laps on the track later in the day. Saturday is the 12 hour race, which is an experience on its own.

It is my family's version of a good time for all. And I must admit, even my bookish self really enjoys these events. This car thing. It is kind of in my blood. I can't help it.
Even better when I get to experience some things for the first time. Let's list out some of my firsts this year:

0. First time a bird has flown into my car. As we left early Friday morning, a bird took off and smacked right into my passenger window. Gladly everything was okay. What can you do except laugh hysterically at that point?
1. First time seeing a live pit stop from behind the pits, watching them change drivers, tires, gas, &c.

2. First time being at the race after dark
3. First time seeing the glowing/sparking brakes (since you can only see that at night)
4. First time talking to a BMW driver (heard them talk last year, but didn't talk to any)

5. First photo with a race car driver, Joey Hand (who ended up winning the GT class!)
6. First time walking the grid (they line up the cars along the start and the drivers stand out there just before the race begins), so it was my first time walking on the track at all

7. First time seeing a well-known celebrity at the track (Patrick Dempsey)
8. First time eating a bag of boiled peanuts
9. First time napping at a race track (we had a little siesta under the corral tent)

10. First time hearing a tire fly off a race car and zoom down the track, right by the corral tent (you never know what could happen at such high speeds)

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