24 March 2012

Book Cravings

Okay, so I cannot really say I crave books, because my apartment is full of books. I have more books than I have square footage (alright, not really, but if that were the case, I'd be a-okay with that). But when I find that almost all the books I am reading (for I read 4-5 at the same time) are mostly re-readings, and when I realize I have not stepped foot in a bookstore in more than a month, I feel deprived. My day seems lackluster as I think about the options I have locally to get my book fix. The options simply don't exist.
So, what does a bookworm like me do in this dire situation? I go to the library.
What else was I to do? I needed to be among books. Even if I do not take them home with me.

Libraries (like bookstores) always bring me such joy, and a feeling of inadequacy. So much to read! So little time! All those pages of poetry, learning, stories, and foreign language is so immense. To be in the midst of all that knowledge! Even in a regular town library like this one, the shear number of books surrounding me is bliss. As I slowly wandered the aisles, pulling off books of British poetry, the Blue Ridge Mountains, Shakespeare, and C.S. Lewis, it kindled my always constant desire to visit some of the amazing libraries around the world. 

A few months ago I stumbled on this website, where someone created a list of the 35 Most Amazing Libraries in the World. Check it out. Currently, I have been to 4 of these libraries on the list, which means I have a lot of traveling to do. Can you guess which libraries I have been to?

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