06 March 2012

One of Those Days

Glencoe, Scotland

It is one of those days where I feel like going for a long walk, in nature, away from traffic and people. To walk with a someone in some fresh air and breathe deeply. I guess I want a change of scenery and good conversation about anything and everything. And silence. Crisp air that requires me to wear a jacket, scarf, and boots. Walking through grass, dirt, leaves. No pavement out here.

A place where the depths of the heart are reached. Sometimes it takes getting away from the commotion of the everyday to truly hear what your heart is telling you. Nature can keep secrets. The trees won't tell.
I can share my secret dream of __________. (Well, I can't tell you unless you're the one walking with me.)

I regularly daydream about colder weather. It is like a wild child that I can't quite contain here. A day or two of bliss, and then it runs away from me. Doesn't life do that to us sometimes?

Some things take more time than we want. Some things don't take long enough. Whatever the case may be, faith, prayer, and hope are essential ingredients to keep all along, and following Christ's example.

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.
-Philippians 2.1-2

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