12 April 2012

Jealous of the Moon

If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. -Proverbs 24.10

Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. -Henry Ford

Staring down the stars
Jealous of the moon
You wish you could fly
But you're staying where you are
There's nothing you can do
If you're too scared to try
-Nickel Creek, "Jealous of the Moon"
Listen to the song

I can take a hint.

I have been praying for some little signs or directions. A little bit of light. I have felt in the dark about so many things. Like a shroud of mist covering things I hope for and dream of. The picture isn't clear; it's out of focus....Questions arise, to which no answers are given. Do you ever feel like that?

Then, as I was listening to my iPod at my desk, this song by Nickel Creek came on and suddenly I heard the chorus as if it were written for me. I hit "repeat" when the song was over because I felt like I needed to hear it again.

Shortly thereafter, I took a lunch and went to eat at a restaurant downtown, walking from my office. I got a table and checked my emails and the verse from Proverbs was my Scripture of the day. The Quote from Henry Ford was included in another emailed article about failure. It was like all aspects of my day were trying to tell me something important. Don't give up.

 How many times have I felt like a failure in different ways? But does any of that matter and should that hinder me from pursuing a dream?
Let me pay attention.
Live the unanswered questions.
I am feeling the nudge.

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