28 April 2012

What's With all the Questions?

God is greater than our heart and He knows everything. -1 John 3.20

I haven't ever thought about how I ask my questions, or that perhaps my questions may not be focused on that which is above (eternal), but on things that are below(finite) and trivial in terms of true importance. But a daily meditation email I read a few days ago sort of ruffled my previous assumptions about questions, or rather, made me aware of the differences. In reading the Gospels over the years, I kind of wondered why Jesus would change/alter a question that people asked Him, and respond with a totally different answer, one that is spiritual. It makes sense now. Jesus was being asked questions about matters from below when the people were looking for a spiritual answer.

Why do I trouble myself with matters that only make my mind wander to the fears that lie dormant underneath? Hopping on that slippery slope only leads to despair and missing the point Jesus was trying to make each time people hounded Him with questions. He wanted them to think of spiritual matters and not worry so much about the other "stuff" that fills our days.

God has beautiful plans and a path for us, but we lose sight of it all too easily. One bad day, or a dull week can drag us down into thinking the darkness is all there is. But when we open up to allow God's light to shine in us, we see the whole world with new eyes and our questions change. Then we see the glory of God is reflected everywhere.

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