07 August 2015

Obedience in the Same Direction

And yet I decide, every day, to set aside what I can do best and attempt what I do very clumsily--open myself to the frustrations and failures of loving, daring to believe that failing in love is better than succeeding in pride.
-Eugene Peterson

Life and our pursuits is a long obedience in the same direction. I borrow that phrase from Eugene Peterson and I keep hearing those words ring in my heart. Truth and encouragement wrapped up in one. 

The act of slowly moving forward, leaning on ahead toward the next bend in the road takes great effort. It involves learning more and taking on a greater responsibility. It is the willingness to allow God to do in His time what He wills. It is the patient nature that must be extended. It involves growing outward toward the imagination that has formed a larger shape ahead that we must move into. The beauty of the imagination is that it is ahead of us. We must grow into it.

I always find myself desperate for the imagination and for poetic words. For musings that dwell in the depths of the heart and that dig deeply into thoughts. The words that scrape away the dust of idleness and isolation. The words that conjure anything but complacency. They run and create the story as they emerge. They sub-create line by line.

So, I will be obedient in the same direction as long as it takes, and keep on going. Each step is part of the story. All the moments compiled are worth it. All the moments revealed are full of marvel.

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