06 August 2015


Omniana, n. Thoughts of scraps of information about all or many kinds of things, esp. (a collection of) notes, jottings, or short pieces of writing on all or many kinds of subjects.

It's only now, that I have these few minutes to write, that I can get to the omniana that is passing through my brain. I make conjectures about all the questions I have, and discover that sometimes the questions bring up even more questions.

I've been stretched thin, lately, bending and feeling the ache of that space outside my comfortable box. The weariness of each day has grown on me that by 9:30 each night I am spent. My mind has reached its capacity and it wants to turn off, but I keep going. My brain has been stretched far each day, but I keep trying. This is not all in all a bad thing, except when a balance is off.

My dear friend Jen reminded me in a recent talk that my weariness is felt most intensely when I am not taking the tiny prayer breaks that help keep me centered. Just a few minutes of thankful prayers to re-center myself makes a whole world of difference. Thinking about the truth in those words brought to mind that if I cannot take a few minutes for some quiet prayer to be still, then why should I expect to feel put together and peaceful when I am not listening to God? If I am excluding Him, my own strength certainly isn't going to get me through the hours in the way that will keep me joyful and also show love to others. When I leave God in charge, there is a lovely side effect of peace and stillness amidst a chaotic time.

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