19 February 2016


O that within us hearts had propagation,
Since many gifts do challenge many hearts!
- George Herbert

The morning is cold and quiet, and I am chilly. The sun slowly begins to show its coloured rays above the horizon. I smile. Our version of winter suits me. I have a delicious cup of coffee on the table in front of me. A pen is in my hand. My thoughts can flow freely.

If I don't get too carried away with my writing, I have a book next to me, ready to be opened. But for now, I need to write. These thoughts need a place to rest after dancing about in my head. Onto paper they shall go.

As I write I see the words emerge on paper that confirm how I know God is working in a multitude of ways in my life. For one, I am being sharpened every day, which, seemingly contradictory to being sharpened has me growing into a softer and more loving person. There are always ways I need sharpening. These things can be hard to work through, when you see how change is necessary in yourself, but I know with God's help I can do it, and I am joyful in that knowledge because everyday is an opportunity to learn and grow.

When you can let something go to God, to take hold of the challenge, it is a freeing feeling. Rather than feeling weighed down with the heavy burden that goes along with such words as "this needs to change" or "this is what you need to be" that I would tell myself, the oppressive thoughts do not linger, and instead the focus can be on the people, the growth, the wisdom, and insightful moments. These are the things that grab my attention, and I let God take everything else that distorts my view.

The Lord's thoughts are far higher than my own. Let them be my guide, in every moment. 

When encouragement comes along, my thoughts lift high, to God, where my eyes go as well. When love extends outward and my eyes are rightly focused, the possibility of goodness is endless. If we all did this a little more, we would propagate God's love even beyond our own reach and beyond our sight. It is an endless delight to share God's love.

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