03 October 2011

Sampling of Fall

This morning was beautiful. Our first sampling of Fall. The humidity disappeared, the air was 59 degrees, and it felt glorious. I even donned a scarf to church this morning. I was wearing a short dress with short sleeves, but that is beside the point.

The sky has been perfectly clear all day, and as the sun sets now, it is still clear. It is like a huge sheet of blue-hued paper. Perfect, with no wrinkles or blemishes. If only each day could be like this....no retracting to the heat and humidity. Yet, I know better than to wish for something that won't happen. And I wouldn't appreciate it as much if it were the norm.

But do I know better? Don't we all find ourselves wishing for that which we don't have? Don't get me wrong, we should dream big, but we should be cautious not to think of ourselves as deserving of certain things. Why is it we think we deserve it? Why do we struggle to be content with the gifts God has given us, and continues to give us? Like this very moment....

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