19 October 2011

Autumnal Winds

Sudbury, MA

We little know what fortune the next breath of wind may blow us, what strange visitor the next moment may bring to our door.
-Charlotte Brontë

Rushing in with the wind and the rain is the promise of cooler, refreshing weather. Though the winds may rustle our lives as they make us sneeze and bring about unsettling thoughts, and though the rain may distress us as we have to forgo our evening run and splash through dirty puddles, the end result and reward is the Autumn air that follows.

Breathe deep. It is crisp and clean northern air filling you and changing your gloomy outlook to a bright one full of blue skies, pumpkin pies, and bidding the long summer goodbye.

Foggy vision becomes clear and stepping outside your senses awaken where suddenly this vade-mecum* of creation is set before you to meander and enjoy. It is a whole new mileau for one trapped in the long summer.

*Latin: manual or handbook

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