21 November 2011

Behold the Sky

The bird saw its cage open- beheld the sky- remembered its own remote isle & grove & nest- heard in spirit a voice call it to come- felt its pinion nerved with impatient energy- launched into air & was gone.
-Charlotte Brontë

My creative thoughts are forced to be checked all day as I am in the office. Finally at the end of the day, as I am free from the cube life (both literally and figuratively), my stream of thoughts can fly freely. Sometimes they are still scattered and abrupt, bouncing off each other in excitement for being set free. Sadly, sometimes errands or household things get in the way, and I suppress them. But I will push those things aside if I can get my journal and pen in my hands fast enough.

For to write, to muse about how God is working in my life, to reflect on my day and record stories, to ponder life and be creative with words, is one of my greatest joys and passions in life. And that is far more important than mopping the floor (well, the floor will have to mopped eventually, but it can wait).

Priority. We all set our own priorities in our everyday, even if we don't realize it. I have learned over the years that there are much more important things in life than what the world tries to ingrain in us, like spending time with family and close friends, following your passions and using your gifts for good. We can let the world dictate what is our priority, or we can choose to set our own. I find that when I let the world choose for me, stress abounds. Yet when I follow my passions and use the gifts God gave me, I am relaxed and easy-going. Still focused and passionate, but not pressured and stressed. Goodness and opportunities come to me. Stress takes away from my creativity, so I kick it out.

Free then, I let the words jump from mind to pen to pages.

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